What are the martech trends for 2023?

In conclusion, MarTech is a rapidly evolving landscape and marketers must stay ahead of the curve to succeed. Omnichannel customer experiences are increasingly important for customer communications. The more companies use omnichannel strategies and the better omnichannel products, the more companies will depend on these providers. If a modern company wants to reach its customers well, it needs to have an omnichannel presence.

Thanks to this, they can connect with users on all platforms and meet their highest expectations of providing a smooth customer experience. Codeless technology has become a crucial asset for businesses of all types, and these marketing technology trends show no signs of abating. According to the Gartner study, between now and 2025, 70% of newly created business applications will use low-code or no-code technology. Holograms are the ideal marketing tool for companies looking to showcase their brand and improve overall brand awareness among customers.

This advertising technology allows users to display interactive and moving images and objects in 3D. Recent marketing automation trends point to a shift toward communicating with customers the way they prefer. Among the marketing technology trends that organizations are considering using are sponsored communities, virtual reality, interactive content, influencer marketing platforms, and consumer data platforms. As part of the no-code trend, it is possible to create solutions to create web quizzes, pages, bots and workflows without writing a single line of code.

Despite rapidly evolving marketing technology trends, Gartner found that, on average, only 42% of the marketing technology offering is used. Benjamin Bloom, vice president and marketing analyst at Gartner, advised marketing teams to accept the idea that marketing technology and advertising technology are divergent, rather than converging. Nathan is a journalist and documentary maker with more than 20 years of experience in business technology topics, such as digital marketing, IT employment trends, and innovations in data management. These marketing technology trends can be beneficial to making your company stand out in this competitive market environment, as they provide you with an insight into emerging marketing technologies.

Whether you're a startup or a leader in your market, it's important that your MarTech offering is easy to use and works well. We anticipate that conversational marketing will capitalize on this trend and provide users with the engaging experience they are looking for. It is important to prioritize the impact of investments in MarTech by concentrating spending on emerging technologies that accelerate marketing processes, as marketers prepare to address more complex and cutting-edge issues in the coming year. These trends include customer experience, marketing automation, data privacy and ESG values, customer data analysis, and omnichannel.

He added that while marketing teams increasingly claim to own marketing technology activities, 64 percent of marketing technology leaders agree that their team lacks technical skills and is not receiving sufficient support to increase the use of their marketing technology offering. Skills shortages, interdisciplinary challenges, and a future world without cookies are shaping the future of marketing technology. Instead of being told “no” in a dead end and wasting months of work, teams that find a way to say “yes” will get a higher and faster ROI when it comes to configuring, integrating or customizing martech solutions. As mentioned in the article, it's essential for your MarTech team to be efficient and agile, regardless of whether your company is new or ranked first in the market.